beyond qafila thania is developed by CeRCCa and Marsad Drâa through Platform Harakat and Project Qafila in the framework of Kibrit. It is funded by Marsad Drâa and SouthMed CV, a programme cofounded by the European Union within the framework of the regional programme MedCulture, SGSAH and the Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Caralunya.
The Center for Research and Creativity Casamarles is an organization created in 2009 and based in a small village south of Barcelona (Catalonia/ Spain). The organization works with a double strategy. On one hand it offers international artists and researchers a space to work and live for 2 months. Since 2009 more than 100 artists have benefit from CeRCCa AIR developing projects on history, ecology, urban space, landscape and memory in collaboration with the local community. On the other hand CeRCCa develops collaborative curatorial and research projects with a special focus on intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean region. Some of these projects are NACMM_North Africa Cultural Mobility Map, ‘The Art of Getting Lost’ or Platform HARAKAT. In orther to develope these projects CeRCCa has the support of Anna Lindh Foundation, South Med CV and Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya and has been selected to participate in EYE, Dawrak and Tandem Shaml programs.
MARSAD DRÂA is a group of university students and professionals from Morocco and abroad, having as objective to learn and to research on lifestyles and cultures of the desert regions, promoting and preserving tangible and intangible heritage from a contemporary perspective. Due to the complexity of the topics, teams use to work in a transdisciplinary way (architects, artists, engineers, biologists, sociologists, historians, archaeologists ...).
MARSAD DRÂA organise since 2015 Caravane Tighmert, a laboratory for contemporary oasian culture with artists residencies. In 2016, MARSAD DRÂA started Project QAFILA.
MARSAD DRÂA organise since 2015 Caravane Tighmert, a laboratory for contemporary oasian culture with artists residencies. In 2016, MARSAD DRÂA started Project QAFILA.
Named after the word movements in Arabic, Platform HARAKAT embodies the inherent contradictions of travelling : movements occur despite and because of a paradox simultaneously promoting, impeding, and forcing mobility. From a situated and cross-disciplinary perspective, Platform HARAKAT proposes to retrace the past and contemporary mobility of knowledge(s), bodies and practices focusing in the Mediterranean, Sahel and West Africa. The purpose of Platform HARAKAT is to reflect upon different approximations to the journey , the heritage of its traditions and its erasures. Platform HARAKAT wants to set in motion concepts and practices derived from mobility and its shadows, to document forgotten histories and invisible stories and to stress the important connections that shape these territories, while providing a space for critical reflection and action.
In order to do so, Platform HARAKAT constitutes itself through an online portal gathering a selection of resources branched in four different categories: Knowledges, Tools, Cartographies and Actions and develops through collaborative research, creative cartographies, curatorial projects, a series of publications and a web platform.
In order to do so, Platform HARAKAT constitutes itself through an online portal gathering a selection of resources branched in four different categories: Knowledges, Tools, Cartographies and Actions and develops through collaborative research, creative cartographies, curatorial projects, a series of publications and a web platform.
KIBRIT is a collaborative research and production program dedicated to contemporary artistic and curatorial practices engaged in processes of reactivation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage and collective memory. Involving all its members and their respective local communities, the program aims at fostering sustainable synergies through the exchange of practices and knowledges while generating critical reflection, research and action. KIBRIT is a program initiated and curated by LE 18 (Marrakech), Atelier de l’Observatoire (Casablanca), Maison de l’Image (Tunis), CeRCCa (Barcelona), Rhizome (Algiers), Jiser (Barcelona/Tunis) and Ramallah Municipality (Ramallah).